Postknight 2 Beginner’s Guide (2024 Update): Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Rank Up and Complete Delivery Quests - Level Winner (2024)

Welcome to Kurestal, Postknight!

As a Postknight, you’ll be in charge of delivering items and completing various quests from civilians. While traveling, you’ll meet a large variety of interesting people and see some sights, and hopefully, you’ll be able to make our world safer and happier. You’ll also be growing stronger along the way: improving stats, gaining skills, and grinding out gear. The roads aren’t that safe these days, after all. Postknight 2 is available on both the Google Play Store and the App Store.

Postknight 2 is a very easy game to pick up and play. But if you’re looking to boost through the early game or are looking for clarification or outlines of the game’s core mechanics and what you can do to get ahead, this guide’s for you!

In this beginner’s guide for Postknight 2, we’ll be discussing the following topics:

  • The basics of your character: stats, skills, and gear, as well as how to get stronger.
  • Mastering combat. Nothing can stop the mail.
  • A walkthrough of each town’s facilities and how they can help you.
  • Postknight quests, from delivering the mail to delving into dungeons and joining raids with your team.
  • Where to get freebies.

The Basics: Stats, Skills, Gear, and Getting Stronger

All RPGs require their players to have a core understanding of how to build their characters. Let’s go over the basics of both your character and how to get stronger.

Quick Tips:

  • Leveling up grants you stat points that you can distribute freely among 4 core stats – Strength (attack damage/crit damage), Agility (dodge chance/crit rate), Intelligence (heal bonus/magic defense), and Vitality (health/physical defense)
  • All stats are important. I find that spreading points to the defensive stats (Intelligence and Vitality) does help quite a bit.
  • The higher a stat is, the more stat points it costs to further increase it.
  • You can spend a Stat Reset Ticket to refund all your stat points and rebuild your Postknight. You will get some tickets just by going through the story, and you can buy more with Crystal Gems.
  • There are three skills in the game – attack skill, defense skill, and potion. Using your skills will grant you the edge you need in combat.
  • Both attack and defense skills consume stamina, which is represented by a purple ring around them.
  • Attack and defense skills unlock more combinations as you progress through the story and use certain items, which can change how they work and give you more tactical options to use in the field.
  • Each weapon type can have two traits. The left and right trait trees are mutually exclusive, meaning that different traits appear on both sides. Traits are unlocked by leveling up and can be swapped freely in town.
  • Each weapon also has access to a passive tree which enhances its skills. Passives are acquired by using books, which can be bought from Rare Wares (the traveling merchant).
  • You have five slots for gear – one for your weapon (actually two slots but you can’t freely change the offhand), two for your helmet and armor, and two for accessories.
  • You can buy new equipment from merchants in town. Getting new gear costs both gold and materials. Equipment stock is randomized each time a merchant resets; you can either wait out the timer or use a Refresh Ticket to instantly refresh their stock.
  • Note that each merchant sells equipment appropriate to their zone’s level.
  • You need to visit a blacksmith to equip your gear.
  • You can upgrade gear at the blacksmith by spending gold and materials. Upgrading gear improves its stats, but gear can only be upgraded 5 times (until 5 stars).
  • Gear from the same set grants a bonus that applies whether or not they are equipped. Set bonuses are additive, meaning that a set that grants 1% ATK when getting all the parts and 2% for fully upgrading all the pieces grants you a total of 3% ATK.
  • At the max upgrade level, gear can also have perks. These are bonuses that only apply while wearing that piece of gear.


Almost all RPGs have stats.

Postknight 2 has 4 main stats for you to cultivate:

  • Strength increases your attack damage and critical hit damage.
  • Agility affects your chance to dodge and critical hit rate.
  • Intelligence increases your incoming heal bonus and reduces the magic damage you take. Do not underestimate the importance of Intelligence as mage-type enemies are quite common, and without any Intelligence or Magic Defense investment, they’ll tear you apart!
  • Vitality ups the size of your health pool and gives you physical damage reduction.

If you’d like to see the exact numbers that each stat gives you, you can scroll lower in the character info screen.

Experience points are earned by doing quests, delivering packages, and fighting. Once you’ve accumulated enough experience, you’ll gain a level. More importantly, you’ll also gain some stat points that you can distribute freely!

While you start with only 3 stat points per level, this income increases as you get stronger and hit higher levels. However, the more of a stat you have, the more expensive each point becomes.

If you decide you don’t like your build, you can use a Stat Reset Ticket to drop all your stats back to 1 and refund all the points you’ve invested. You’ll get a few tickets just from progressing through the game, but you can also buy them with Crystal Gems – though it’s always better to not need to reset at all!


Running into your enemies until one of you drops is good, mindless fun, but to really shine in battle, you’ll need to make use of your skills.

There are three skills in Postknight 2, which will depend on the weapon you have equipped and any passive skills you’ve picked up or unlocked:

  • Your attack skill is found on the left side of the skill panel. What your attack skill is depends on what weapon you have equipped; by default, this is set to Charge as your starter weapon will be a sword. Judicious use of your attack skill allows you to deal much more damage than just using normal attacks – and you can avoid taking damage, too!
  • The defend skill is the middle button. As with your attack skill, your defend skill is determined by what weapon you have equipped. Use your defense skill wisely to both mitigate incoming damage and power through obstacles that you couldn’t defeat otherwise.
  • The potion is the button on the right. Yes, it’s not technically a skill, but let’s talk about it since it’s in the same panel. All this does is make you glug down your potion, instantly restoring some health. You have an unlimited number of potions, but they’re limited by a cooldown. We’ll talk about potions a little more in a bit.

Both the attack and defend skills are gated by your stamina, which is the purple ring around these skills.

You can use skills freely so long as you have the stamina cost to perform them. Try not to run out of stamina in a bad situation!

Attack and defend skills aren’t necessarily a “one press and done” deal. As you improve your skills, you’ll unlock new combinations and augments for them. Take this, for example:

By default, the daggers have the Slash skill, which causes you to (what else) slash a target in front for some damage. However, investing in the tree unlocks the Second Slash skill, which requires you to use the skill twice (as seen in the combination in the lower part of the screen). The next node is Final Slash, which triggers when you use Slash 3 times in a row.

As you progress through the story, you’ll unlock these nodes via skill books which improve the functionality of your attack and defend skills for each weapon.

Each weapon can also have two traits equipped to it, which further boost your skills.

Traits are unlocked by leveling up. Note that the left and right traits have mutually exclusive trees, so be sure to pick traits that complement your playstyle from both trees!

Weapons (and by extensions, skills) can also have passives attached to them.

These passives are unlocked via the use of special books, which you can get from Rare Wares (the traveling merchant).

The Potion

Just as your skills can be upgraded, so too can your potion. While yes, restoring health is a mundane utility, the fact still stands that you’re going to need a way to replenish health on the roads. To upgrade your potion, you’ll need to visit an alchemist in town.

Upgrading your potion is simple – just select what you want to upgrade (more flat and percentage-based recovery, faster cooldown, and defense bonus after drinking) and then dunk herbs into the alchemist’s cauldron. Note that different herbs are more potent in different upgrade methods. For example, both Ceruleaf and Low Mallow provide bonus points when used for the “more healing” infusion, while Puffwort and Valley Bells make leveling up cooldown faster. There’s nothing stopping you from using any herb for any infusion process, though!

Take note that once you’ve reached level 10 in all of a potion’s infusion processes, you’ll need to level that potion up. This involves collecting even more gold and herbs.


Last but not least is the question of gear. You’ll need to not only build new equipment to tackle the road ahead, but you’ll also need to ensure that your gear is in the best possible shape.

Your Postknight can equip five pieces of gear – the two topmost slots are for your weapon (and offhand), the two middle slots are for your helmet and body armor, and the last two are for accessories – one ring slot and one necklace slot. As a new Postknight, strive to fill these up before worrying about min-maxing. Any bonus is better than none at all!

The first gear you’ll get to work with is your basic Adventurer set, and while it’s serviceable, you’ll soon find yourself aching for an upgrade. You can get new gear just from clearing stages (in general, the first few stages of a zone will drop its beginner set) but you can also visit merchants who’ll sell you new equipment for both gold and items. Accessories, on the other hand, are acquired from dungeon dives (more on that later) or can be bought from the merchants.

If you don’t like the merchant’s stock, you can always elect to manually refresh their stock by tapping on the arrow beside the timer. Note that this consumes refresh tickets, but you can also pay by watching an ad. Each merchant also only sells gear appropriate to their zone’s level, so you can’t snipe high-level gear just by spamming refresh!

Once you’ve got some brand-spanking new gear, you may be wondering where exactly it went. It didn’t vanish into thin air, don’t you worry. To view and change your gear, you’ll need to visit a blacksmith.

Any items you’ve crafted or acquired can be swapped out at the blacksmith. The blacksmith also has the means to upgrade your equipment, improving its stats, and by extension, your performance. To upgrade a piece of gear, just tap its icon, then scroll down.

You’ll need to pay both gold and materials to upgrade equipment, and each upgrade level gives a piece of equipment 1 star. Gear maxes out at 5 stars.

While you were at the blacksmith, you may have noticed that equipment is sorted both by location and set. Yes, there are set bonuses.

Uniquely, Postknight 2’s set bonuses refer to the collection, not your equipped items. This means that having all pieces of the Adventurer Set, for example, grants you its max HP bonus whether or not you’re currently equipping any of them. Thus, you should always aim to get new gear and upgrade what you have – those passives stack quickly.

Apart from the base stats it confers, pieces of gear can also have perk bonuses. These are sizeable upgrades to certain stats, the caveat being that perk bonuses are only active at max upgrade level and only apply while that piece of gear is equipped.

Master Combat

The roads are littered with wild animals, monsters, and general ne’er-do-wells. It’s up to you to make sure the mail arrives on time. To do that, you’ll need to learn to defend yourself!

Quick Tips:

  • Combat in Postknight 2 is automated. Your character will simply move from left to right, fighting things in their way.
  • Normal attacks happen when you and a monster collide, in which case you’ll both take damage.
  • Be sure to use your skills to strike at foes for more damage and reduce the damage you take. Don’t be afraid to spam your potion, either.
  • There’s no one better weapon than the others. Choose whichever weapon suits your playstyle the most.

Normal Attacks

Combat in Postknight 2 is almost fully automated. If you’ve played something like Battle Cats, then you’ll be familiar with it.

Your Postknight walks down the lane automatically, engaging enemies that get in their way. Each time things make contact, they hit each other, dealing damage and pushing each other back. Dodges and lethal blows (sometimes, I’m not 100% clear on the rules) tend to ignore the knockback, meaning that theoretically, you can just walk through a level – though beware as ranged and magic attacks will always knock you back and enemy power scales quickly in Postknight 2!

Use Your Skills!

Be sure to use your skills while you’re out in the wild. Skills are powerful and cost nothing except stamina, so you only do yourself a disservice by not using them.

Whenever there’s a new, unfamiliar enemy in the game – especially when you progress to a new zone – watch what it does and see how your skills can counter it. Ranged units, for example, are annoying and almost impossible to take down until you use your defend skill to withstand their attacks!

Weapon Types

There are three weapon types in Postknight 2: sword and shield, dual daggers, and heavy weapons.

So which is the best weapon type? Honestly, they’re all viable. Pick whichever one you like. Personally, I like heavy weapons partly because I always go the two-handed weapon route and partly because their attack skill is a large, far-reaching, and very hefty swing that’s satisfying to land!

Familiarize Yourself with Towns

You’ll be spending a lot of time in towns, whether that’s to rest, to take quests, or just to chat up your favorite characters. Each town has a lot to offer, whether it’s new tasks, new gear, or new helpful NPCs, so it’s well worth your time and effort to learn what your options are in each settlement.

Quick Tips:

  • Use menu shortcuts to navigate around town and streamline certain activities. These are located on the lower part of the screen, as well as the upper left.
  • Tap and drag on the screen to manually maneuver through town. Tap once on the sword and scroll icon to depart for your next story quest; you can also tap-hold on this button to bring up a list of facilities and fast travel to them.
  • Signposts let you travel between towns, dungeons, and the Postknight HQ.
  • More importantly, signposts allow you to embark on patrols, which let you grind areas you’ve already cleared. Once you fully clear a patrol area, it’ll take some time to regenerate.
  • The Rare Wares merchant can be found at the left signpost (the leftmost area of any town). He sells a variety of exotic goods, such as accessories, skill books, and other fare. You cannot manually refresh the Rare Wares merchant.
  • Wishboards and Delivery Quests give you opportunities to trade resources for gold and earn Postknight Tokens, respectively. Both are important – you always need gold, and Postknight Tokens are required to progress through the ranks.
  • Wishboard quests are region-dependent; you can fulfill wishboard quests in each town separately and get paid for each. Fulfilling enough wishes in a town also grants you access to more wishboard quests for that town only.
  • Delivery quests are universal – you can’t go to each town and take on new delivery quests. Completing delivery quests is important as they give out Crystal Gems and Postknight Tokens, which are required for ranking up.
  • Inns sell food, which provides buffs or instant recovery. You can also spend Crystal Gems at an inn to improve your passive regeneration rate in towns.
  • Food buffs appear in the upper right of the screen. You cannot stack food buffs – only the last food item consumed grants its buffs. Healing doesn’t count as a buff, so go ahead and scarf down your restoration items.
  • Innkeepers do not share stock.
  • Blacksmiths are where you upgrade and equip gear.
  • Merchants let you buy equipment and other materials. At least one item is always on sale at a merchant, so be sure to snap it up!
  • Merchants restock quite frequently – roughly once every 4 hours.
  • Alchemists will improve your potion via infusion, which requires you to sacrifice herbs. Once you reach level 10 in all infusions, you’ll need to rank up your potion, which requires even more materials and gold.

Menu Shortcuts

First, let’s talk about the menu in town. There are quite a lot of menu options to go through, so it’s important to get acclimated to them as soon as possible as they’ll make your life easier.

Let’s start with the info panel on the lower part of the screen.

Here, you can see your Postknight’s rank and medal, their current level and HP, and their name. Below that are five buttons:

  • Status, the sword and shield, brings up your equipment and current stats.
  • The Skills menu is behind the sword and book, where you can change your skill loadout.
  • The brown sack full of stuff is your Inventory.
  • The scales are the Cash Shop, where you can buy stuff with real money, Crystal Gems, or time (via ads).
  • The Prism Pass (battle pass) button shows up beside the Cash Shop button, once you have it unlocked.
  • Last is the Activities menu, which we’ll cover later.

The blue button on the upper left of the main menu opens the Quick Access menu:

…which opens a bunch of shortcuts and info panels.

Here, you’ll see a lot of buttons:

  • Profile brings up your Postknight’s stats, achievements, and rank.
  • Inbox is for system-generated messages and for claiming rewards.
  • Bonds shows your social levels with Postknight 2’s various NPCs. By cultivating relationships with Postknight 2’s cast of characters, you can find friends and perhaps even romantic partners who’ll help you on your quest by providing you with free items every so often. The bonds screen also has a small reminder of the favorite gifts of each character. We’ll talk about bonds at length later on.
  • Fashion lets you equip cosmetic sets for town and combat scenarios. These will replace the looks of your gear, but not its stats. You can get cosmetic items in a lot of ways – for starters, you can buy Postknight uniforms from Colin at the Postknight HQ.
  • Support lets you contact the developers for support, bug reports, or feedback.
  • Community opens links to Postknight 2’s various channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, and so on.
  • Settings lets you tweak the game’s settings, including a left-handed or right-handed mode.
  • Credits shows the names of those who made the game. As a special thank-you for those who go through it, viewing the credits is a hidden achievement in the Achievement Journal.
  • The Armoury lets you view and equip your gear without going to a blacksmith.
  • The Jewelry Box lets you view and equip your rings and amulets.
  • Prism Pass opens up the Prism Pass menu if tapping it in the lower info panel isn’t your cup of tea.
  • Team shows your team, which becomes available once you join a Division. More on that later.

On occasion, a clipboard will appear at the upper left of the main screen, below the blue button:

This means that there are potential tasks in town that you can do, such as the merchant stocking upgrade materials for your equipment, or if your current equipment or potion are upgradable. Tap on the clipboard to go through each of these reports and fast travel to the relevant facility.

Navigating Through Town

Next, let’s talk about moving through town.

To move around town, tap and slide to either the left or right side of the screen. The farther you drag, the faster your Postknight will move. You can tap the sword and scroll icon in the middle of the screen to depart for your next story quest (be warned – there’s no confirmation for this!); alternatively, you can tap-hold on it to bring up a list of facilities and instantly travel to those screens.

The Signpost

Signposts are found at both the left and rightmost screens.

Tapping on a signpost allows you to travel to other towns, dungeons, and even the Postknight headquarters in Maille.

More importantly, signposts also allow you to depart on patrols, which allow you to grind materials and experience in areas you’ve already cleared.

Patrols consist of several consecutive screens; after clearing each screen, you’re given the option to immediately continue or retreat to town to recuperate. Once fully cleared, a patrol will be free of monsters for a while – meaning that you’ll need to wait a few hours before you can patrol that route again.

Rare Wares

To the left of the leftmost signpost is the Rare Wares trader. This merchant offers hard-to-get items, such as accessories and even skill books…IF you can pay the price, as he charges either Crystal Gems or large amounts of gold for his merchandise.

The Rare Wares merchant stocks items on a week-to-week basis, so you’ll have time to scrimp and save for anything that catches your eye. However, you can’t use a Refresh Ticket or watch an ad to forcibly refresh him.

The Wishboard and Mailbox

To the right of the leftmost signpost are the wishboard and mailbox.

The wishboard offers quick and easy quests to trade materials for hefty amounts of gold. Wishboards are specific to their area, meaning that for each town you travel to, you unlock a new series of wishboard quests that can be fulfilled daily. Be sure to check each town’s wishboard to rake in the cash.

Wishboards accumulate progress as you complete quests on them; for example, a fourth wishboard quest becomes available once you’ve fulfilled 8 wishes. Wishboard progress is also area-exclusive, meaning that you need to fulfill the conditions for each town you visit.

The mailbox, on the other hand, allows you to take on delivery quests.

Taking on a daily quest will make you depart on a short route to drop the item off. Completing a delivery quest not only grants you some gold and resources but more importantly serves as a renewable (albeit small) source of Crystal Gems, as well as one of the few (if only) ways to get Postknight Tokens, which are required for increasing your rank!

Delivery quests refresh much faster than wishboard quests – around 4-5 hours, I believe. However, delivery quests are universal – Maille, for example, offers the exact same quests as Pompon, so you can’t travel from town to town to spam these quests.


Inns provide both food and a place to rest. These are usually located to the right of the wishboard and delivery box.

Inns will passively heal you while you’re in town. This regeneration rate can be upgraded by speaking to the innkeeper and paying Crystal Gems. This regeneration rate persists between inns, meaning you don’t have to spend Crystal Gems at each inn to boost your regeneration rate.

More importantly, innkeepers have several food items for sale.

Food has different effects. More common fare like Barley Water and Granola Muffins provide a quick burst of health, which is perfect if you want to get back into the fight as quickly as possible. Better, more expensive food (think blue quality and higher), on the other hand, tends to give you stat buffs that will improve your performance in battle. It’s important to note that you cannot stack food buffs – only the most recent food item you’ve consumed will grant its buff effects.

Restoration items (so long as they don’t grant any buffs) can be eaten freely without removing your current buffs.

As with other shopkeepers, innkeepers have a limited stock of food items. You can skip this timer by watching an ad or using an Ad Skip ticket. Stock isn’t shared between inns, so if you need to amass large amounts of food, you can go from town to town to buy up each innkeeper’s stock.


Blacksmiths are usually found west of a town’s inn. We discussed blacksmiths in-depth earlier in the “The Basics” section, so we’ll just do a cursory review:

At a blacksmith, you can both equip and upgrade the gear you’ve already collected. Upgrading gear costs materials and gold, so come prepared.

Blacksmiths sort equipment by location and set, and equipment provides a set bonus when both collected and fully upgraded.These set bonuses are additive, meaning that if a set gives +1% max HP for getting all its parts and +2% max HP for fully upgrading them, the total bonus is 3% if you have a complete, fully upgraded set.


To the right of blacksmiths are merchants.

As I mentioned earlier, shops will let you buy pieces of non-basic area sets, though you have to pay both gold and materials to get them. Shops also allow you to trade for other materials, and some items come with a hefty discount – be sure to snap them up.

Shops restock quite frequently, but you can accelerate this with an ad or by using an Ad Skip Ticket.


Like blacksmiths, we already discussed alchemists in the “The Basics” section, so let’s go over them quickly.

Alchemists allow you to improve your potions via three infusions: increased flat and percent-based recovery, faster cooldown, and bonus physical defense after chugging a potion. Infusions are performed by sacrificing herbs and other organic ingredients, and some ingredients are better than others at a given infusion. Finally, after reaching level 10 in all infusions, you’ll need to level up your potion by sacrificing a lot more gold and herbs – the specific materials you need will be listed down.

The Postknight Life

The life of a Postknight isn’t just about delivering mail – though that’s a big part of it. Along your way, you’ll make friends (and perhaps even romantic partners), complete special jobs, join a division, build a team, and improve your Postknight rank!

Quick Tips:

  • Your Postknight rank can be upgraded by submitting Postknight Tokens and completing certain objectives. Postknight Tokens come from doing delivery quests (the mailbox).
  • Once you’ve completed all objectives and submitted enough tokens, return to Postknight HQ in Maille and speak to Colin to take an oral and practical exam. Clear both to raise your rank.
  • At B-Rank, you’ll be able to join one of three Postknight divisions: Pyrodash, Neverwhisk, or Etherdawn. Your division is your “guild” in the game.
  • Division tasks are issued roughly weekly. By contributing team members or items, you can earn progress for your division and division tokens for yourself, which can be spent at the division shop.
  • The challenge system is tied to team management. You can recruit team members by spending Lumina Tokens (which can be bought via division tokens) but you get your first member for free.
  • Each team member can be improved to boost their ability in division challenges. More importantly, each of them has a passive effect that can help you even outside of challenges.
  • You can leave your division by entering your current division’s dorm at the Postknight HQ and speaking to your division head.
  • Dungeons are dangerous instances that give out powerful rewards – in particular, dungeon dives yield accessories.
  • Dungeon diving is a roguelike mode where you’re hit with stat penalties. Clearing each screen allows you to choose a blessing that applies for the rest of the run. Each dungeon dive costs a ticket. You can hold up to 3 tickets per day.
  • Dungeon camps contain a statue that can be given Cores (dungeon drops) to improve your stats during dungeon mode, as well as an NPC who can refine accessories for you.
  • Note that upgrading accessories requires Mallets. Both can be bought via Crystal Gems, though Golden Mallets are also offered for gold by the same NPC.
  • Be sure to double-check which kind of Mallet your accessory needs!
  • Some NPCs can be bonded with by giving them items. Each NPC has a list of likes and dislikes that can be seen by tapping on the Quick Access menu (blue button) and then Bonds.
  • The first time you give someone a disliked gift, relationship points will not decrease.
  • Giving the same liked item consecutively decreases the relationship gain you would have gotten.
  • If you are friends with an NPC, they’ll also give you presents in the form of item drops from within their respective regions.
  • At higher levels, bonded NPCs will have special events.
  • Requests are special quests given by NPCs that usually unlock new stuff. You can check your current requests and requirements via the Activities screen.

Postknight Promotion

Your first and foremost priority should be climbing up the ranks as a Postknight. As your rank grows, so too do your responsibilities and fame. Luckily, the path to promotion is quite clear – just look at your Postknight Handbook in the Activities menu (the rightmost button on the lower panel in case you forgot.)

Postknights are sorted both by letter and number grade. For example, C-Rank Postknights are classified with C-9 being the lowest rank and C-1 being the highest. To improve your number grade, you’ll need to submit Postknight Tokens, which you can pretty much only get from doing delivery quests – the mailbox quests. To add tokens to your level, tap on the arrow at the top of the menu (refer to the image above).

Submitting enough tokens isn’t enough. You’ll also need to complete a checklist of objectives for each rank. These tasks do give out rewards for completing them, so I strongly suggest finishing them as soon as possible so you can use the goodies to get stronger.

Finally, once you hit rank 1 of your letter grade and finish the checklist, you’ll need to return to Postknight HQ in Maille and speak to Captain Colin to take both an oral and practical exam.

The oral exam pertains to in-game lore and knowledge. You’ll need to get a perfect score to pass, though luckily you can both take it as many times as you want and Colin will comment if you made a mistake.

The practical exam follows the oral exam and requires you to complete a route with a time limit. So long as you’ve been continuously making yourself stronger through stats, gear, and skills, you shouldn’t have too tough of a time here.

As you rank up, you’ll not only unlock more of the game, but you’ll also gain more benefits such as better AFK efficiency.

Postknight Divisions and Teams

Once you hit B-Rank, Colin will give you clearance to join one of three Postknight divisions: Pyrodash, Neverwhisk, or Etherdawn.

Your division in Postknight is basically your guild. Each week, new challenges/raids will crop up and each division will be tasked to deal with them. When these tasks appear, players can contribute progress to their respective division and once the crisis is solved, players receive rewards based on how their division placed – yes, even if you place third, you still get some nice stuff.

You can see the current division challenge by going to the Activities menu.

Each challenge is made up of several sub-tasks, such as dispatching team members with certain traits or submitting items. Contributing to the challenge not only boosts your division’s points but also gives you special tokens that can be spent in your division’s shop.

Helping with these challenges requires you to assemble a team. A team is comprised of several NPCs – fellow Postknights all – who each bring unique abilities to the table.

Team members have different skill levels, which affects where they can be dispatched in challenges. On top of that, each of them also has a passive boost that affects you. Hector, for example, provides 10% more AFK efficiency when Training.

Team members can be improved by both increasing their level and the level of their abilities. To do this, you’ll need to pay gold and report (for levels) or tomes (for ability levels), both of which can be bought with division tokens at the division shop. Note that their passive improvement ability cannot be leveled up!

You’ll get your first team member for free, but to unlock more, you’ll need to buy them with Lumina Tokens, which can also be bought from the division shop.

The entire system of divisions tends to reward whichever division has the most members – and as of writing (March 11, 2024), that division is Pyrodash. If you decide you want to switch divisions, enter your current division’s dorm, and speak to your division head.


What’s a knight without a little dungeon delving? Dungeons become available shortly after arriving in Caldemouth.

Dungeons are dangerous places full of powerful foes but contain some of the best loot in the game – accessories. Clearing a dungeon is like your normal routes – just reach the end of each screen to clear a dungeon “room”. However, there are several complications here. For starters, your stats are reduced in dungeon mode – don’t be surprised to see your max HP much lower than you’re used to. Secondly, enemies rapidly scale in strength the deeper you go, and may even gain new abilities, meaning you must be on your toes all the time. It’s not all bad though, as each “room” you clear gives you the ability to pick a new blessing that persists throughout the run.

Defeating enemies in a dungeon mostly gives you Dull Cores, which are important for when you get back to camp. Don’t worry – even if you die, you get to keep your dungeon loot.

Once you’re back at camp, there are some important NPCs you should keep in mind:

  • Daphne, the woman in front of the tent, will let you exchange your higher-tier Cores for lower-tier ones and vice-versa. She also sells buff food.
  • Seth, the man with glasses to the right of the statue (to the left in this image) serves as a blacksmith and merchant, but only for accessories. Note that upgrading accessories requires Mallets. Mallets can be bought at the cash shop, or from Seth himself at a discount. Be sure to double-check the upgrade requirements for your accessories to ensure you’re getting the right type of Mallet!
  • The statue to the left of Seth provides permanent buffs in dungeon mode. You’ll need to offer your Cores to the statue to get these buffs.

Each dungeon attempt consumes a ticket, which is given out for free (and automatically) roughly every 8 hours.


As you travel, you’ll inevitably run into a lot of people – and some of them you may like more than others. This is where Postknight 2’s bond system comes in.

NPCs that you can bond with can (usually) be distinguished by having a sparkle speech bubble above them while in town:

You can also view a list of NPCs that can be bonded with by going to your Quick Access menu (blue button) and then going to Bonds. That screen will also provide you with a short blurb about that NPC, when their birthday is, and what gifts they like and dislike.

Giving an NPC items will either raise or lower their bond level with you, which is represented by their filled hearts when you talk to them. Try to give them gifts they like as those increase bonds much faster than neutral gifts. Disliked gifts, on the other hand, can sometimes be a bit tricky to figure out, so disliked items simply do not increase relationship at all. Mind you, the only way to really raise this is by giving items, so make your gifts count.

To help you keep track of items they like, icons will appear above each gift in the gift-giving screen if you’ve already given that person that item once…

…where a happier face means that the item is favored, and a sad or sickly face means they don’t like that item. Lastly, no, it’s not ideal to spam the same liked item as relationship gain is decreased if you give the same item consecutively.

Relationships aren’t a one-way street. If you’re at least friends with an NPC (one heart), they’ll also give you a chest when you drop by to visit, the contents of which are dependent on their area.

As you cultivate your bonds, your partners will trust you more, culminating in special events that are unlocked at new heart levels – which can give allow you to take the relationship in a romantic direction, if you’re so inclined. Do note that this differs from person to person!

Bond partners can give and receive gifts every 8 hours.


Sometimes, you’ll get personal quests from NPCs, called requests.

These involve running around and completing various tasks for a special prize at the end, such as unlocking new game features or shops. To view your list of Requests, check your Activities menu – the last button on the lower panel.

Where to Get Freebies

We’re almost at the end of our basic Postknight training. The last thing you need now is to know where to get free stuff in the game. Getting stronger isn’t cheap, after all!

Quick Tips:

  • There are achievements in the game. Go to Activities -> Achievement Journal to see them and claim your rewards.
  • AFK rewards in Postknight 2 store up to 4 hours’ worth of gains. You can change what resource to grind via Activities -> Off-duty Schedule. Remember that your team members have passive bonuses to help you here!
  • The Prism Pass is Postknight 2’s battle pass system. Be sure to snag your freebies, even if you’re not going the paid route!
  • The cash shop has free chests and items every so often. Make sure to check the shop menu every so often.

The Achievement Journal

Yes, there are achievements in the game.

To claim your rewards for hitting achievements – such as unlocking gear, attaining new friendship levels, and performing certain feats in combat – go to Activities, then Achievement Journal. It’s not much, but every little bit helps!

Off-duty Schedule

AFK gains in Postknight 2 are delivered via the Off-duty Schedule system. Uniquely, you can choose which resource to farm for while AFK: Working generates gold, Exploring gives you resources, and Training nets you experience points. Don’t forget that your team members contribute to your Off-duty schedule activities!

You can choose which off-duty task to perform via the Activities screen.

Note that AFK gains will only accumulate for up to 4 hours!

You’ll also be given the opportunity to double your AFK gains when you come back to the game. This will cost you either an ad watch or an Ad Skip Ticket if you choose to avail of it.

Prism Pass

The Prism Pass is Postknight 2’s battle pass. As with other battle passes, it comes in both a paid and free version. You can complete missions to earn points towards each pass level.

Don’t forget to claim your stuff, even if you don’t pay for the pass – there’s a lot of nice stuff in there!

Cash Shop

Don’t forget to check the cash shop as there are often free things up for grabs there, such as chests, tickets, and resources, which you can “buy” by watching an ad.

To be specific, you can get the following items for “free” in the cash shop:

  • A Basic and Special Chest, which contains gold and resources. Both are on a timer; the Special Chest has a longer timer but better loot.
  • 10 Crystal Gems, once per day.
  • 2000 gold, thrice per day for a total of 6000 gold.
  • An Ad Skip Ticket, thrice per day for a total of 3 Ad Skip Tickets.
  • A Refresh Ticket for free. No ad!

Go Forth and Deliver!

Your bags are packed, you’re ready to go. The world outside is full of danger, yes, but it’s also beautiful and full of wonderful surprises. Now go get ready – you’ve got mail to deliver.

That’s the end of our beginner’s guide and tips for Postknight 2, and hopefully, you’re now fully prepared for the journey that awaits you. If you have any tips and tricks of your own that you feel like sharing or have any suggestions on how to improve this guide, let us know in the comment section below!

Postknight 2 Beginner’s Guide (2024 Update): Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Rank Up and Complete Delivery Quests - Level Winner (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.